Introduction to Problem Statements:
Bursting with excel template is not allowed in xml publisher 5.6.3.Proposed Solution:
This can be overcome by going little deep in to the standard tables.When building the xml publisher report with excel template. You need to be cautious while writing bursting control file, particularly in the syntax where system understands from where the template needs to be picked up.
An issue was identified with bursting when used excel based template (.xls) in xml publisher (bi publisher) 5.6.3 version.
Error shown in log is
--Exception ZIP file must have at least one entry ZIP file must have at least one entry at at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.cp.JCP4XDOBurstingEngine.zipOutputFiles( at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.cp.JCP4XDOBurstingEngine.runProgram( at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.Run.main(
After troubleshooting, it is identified that the issue is in the below statement.
This statement informs system to check in the XDO_TEMPLATES_TL table with template type "TEMPLATE_SOURCE". We only find rtf templates with this template type, so we get the above error, all excel based templates are stored with template type "TEMPLATE".
You can change the LOB_TYPE = TEMPLATE instead of TEMPLATE_SOURCE in the above template tag, else use the below statement which works perfectly fine.
<xapi:template type="excel" location="xdo://ENEAP.ENEAPDRINV.en.US/?getSource=true"/>
useful query for this situation
SELECT lt.application_short_name
|| '.'
|| lt.template_code
|| '.'
|| lt.default_language
|| '.'
|| lt.default_territory
AS burst_template_xdo_location
FROM apps.xdo_templates_b
WHERE lt.template_code = 'ENEQMSQLTYFNDASSTYPE' -- where 'ENEQMSQLTYFNDASSTYPE' is a data definition
- Bursting with excel template is given as a limitation in Metalink note (1351502.1).