Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Amount Released calculation in the PO Headers/Summary Screen

 Steps followed to identify the calculation
Enable the log profiles at user level.

FND: Debug Log Enabled: yes
FND: Debug Log Level: Statement


Run the below query and take the maximum seq number from the debug log table. This table contains huge data and we only want the logs created after this seq number.

select max(log_sequence) from fnd_log_messages

Assume, seq number is 1001

navigate to the Purchase order screen, query for the purchase order document, then take the seq number again.

select max(log_sequence) from fnd_log_messages

Assume, seq number is 1010

Now query the log between these two numbers

select * from fnd_log_messages where log_sequence between 1001 and  1010


Concentrate on columns module, message_text to analyze log data.

The API that does amount_released calculation is PO_CORE_S.get_gc_amount_released


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